Experts speak on leadership

Leadership is Continuous Improvement

In the pre-clinical and clinical setting, it is important for people to continuously keep their skills and competencies current. For example, small animals (mice) are sensitive to light from smart devices. An associate can invalidate an experiment with phones in the lab as that increases adrenalin. It is pivotal to understand these emerging risks with technology growth.

Suga further emphasized the importance of loss-of-life risks in the pre-clinical setting. People can yield to the schedule pressure and bypass processes for testing on the tissue culture for viability before considering animal testing. Leadership is important for people to record their voice while taking calculated risks.

Working from home was not an option for healthcare employees during the pandemic, which created a need to balance leadership with risk and innovation. Suga shared that listening, adapting to change, and the ability to unlearn, are critical for decision-making and problem-solving.

Suga Subramaniam

Suga Subramaniam

Senior Research Scientist, Elpis Biopharmaceuticals

When we bring people into the company, we are looking for people that commit themselves to continuous learning! With change comes people owning that commitment translating into accountability and responsibility.

Leadership focuses on Cultural Values

We cannot expect to always hire leaders – they need to be developed. Bill reflected on on how people supported each other during the pandemic and he underscored that leadership means working with the heart and head.

Bill emphasized the “care” part of “healthcare.” He argued that leaders should focus on behavioral adjustments at work. Bill argued that if people are not failing enough they are not advancing enough and he challenges leaders to educate employees to take risks and learn from them.

Summarizing his take on key leadership traits, Bill noted that people should be willing to challenge the status quo of “This is not how we do it here!” The more pressing trait of any candidate to demonstrating authentic leadership is by showing “intellectual curiosity” and “emotional resilience.”

Bill Lucia

Bill Lucia

Board Member, Sellers Dorsey

Cultural values and behaviors provide a foundation for organizational leadership. Great leaders give people a sense of purpose and they follow up with repeated communication for reinforcement.

Leadership is building Relationships

rSynthesizing thoughts on leadership, Sameer mentioned the importance of leadership with cross-functional knowledge in the agile and scrum teams. The goal is not just showcasing your knowledge in the scrum teams but going beyond them to know the essential stakeholders and engage them.

“Workplace is made up of different personalities,” said Sameer as he noted why emotional intelligence and conflict management skills are pivotal to demonstrate leadership. Managed correctly, conflicts serve to create a positive environment for people to thrive.

Noting that this pandemic had truly defined the character of people, leadership should extend 360-feedback to focus more on measuring the ability to collaborate and demonstrate leadership rather than focus on performance.

Sameer Bapat

Sameer Bapat

Director of Client Services, ValueMomentum

Many think leadership is building the cross-functional knowledge and expertise to collaborate with many types of people. Leading a cross-functional team is recognizing how to identify the right stakeholders and building proactive leadership to engage them at the right time.

Listen to the entire webinar recap below


What People are Saying

“Great Discussion”

Great to know more about the intricate details of how technology plays a critical role both in helping and hurting experiments.


“Great Webinar”

Good to know the importance of emotional intelligence and risk management expectations from senior leadership team.


“Excellent Opportunity”

Thanks for focusing on conflict management, being able to bring intellectual curiosity, and willingness to unlearn and relearn as leadership expectations of everyone. 


“Good Panel and Speakers”

Interesting to understand the challenges during COVID where most felt working from home became the norm but working longer hours at workplace facility was a norm for others!
